
Reolink client setup windows
Reolink client setup windows

reolink client setup windows

Right click on the start icon, assuming you're on a Windows machine, and select Task Manager. That is the KEY to selling in America, it has to be easy otherwise many won't figure it out. Its things like this which made Ring so successful in the United States, they have crappy cameras but they made it simple for even a child to set up and use. Its also not how things are supposed to work and one could only wonder how many customers will figure it out before returning the product. I've also discovered that its not necessary to restart the computer and all I have to do to open client 8 is to go into programs and click it and go through the on screen steps to reinstall it and it opens, but thats really a long route just to use it. If anyone has a simple solution a dummy can understand, please provide. I still have a few weeks return window if they cannot work out the bug but whether or not they can fix it will determine if I return it or not. But I cannot make their system function, thats their job if they want to sell more of these systems. Reolink set up was missing a few explanatory steps to set up but with some stress and frustration I managed to figure it out after two days. I've wanted a camera system for 10 years but due to complexities of the systems out there to set up and use, I never bought anything until getting Reolink. If Reolink is to sell this system to average consumers it will need to be fairly simple to set up and operate. Thanks for the advice but your solutions are a bit over my head. Just paste those lines into notepad and when you save the file, save it as a. If you don't know what a batch script is, it's incredibly simple. That will kill any old processes if they exist, wait 1 second, and then launch the client. Start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reolink\Reolink.exe" Then you literally have no extra clicks to open the app. Hell, you could even make a batch script that kills the process and then launches the client again for you. This is all it would take: taskkill /f /im Reolink.exe If going into task manager is too much of a nuisance, you could just make a one line batch script and click that whenever it happens.

reolink client setup windows

It's certainly not something I'd return the cameras over. It's just a bug in the current version of the client, it should get fixed eventually.

No need to restart the PC though, just open task manager and kill the old process.

Reolink client setup windows